When Plan A is Out of Reach

Take advantage of plan B’s life lessons.

Charlotte Allison, M.A.
3 min readJun 17, 2021

When plan A clashes with reality.

Wouldn’t you love to be doing what you want all the time? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could devote all your time and energy to doing only the things you love?

When you’re following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves. — Shakti Gawain

Plan A is the ideal of everything you want to have, be, and do. With plan A you picture yourself with the perfect partner, you live in the house of your dreams, you own the car you want, you have all the material possessions you want, you have the career of your dreams, and so on.

Everybody has their own version of plan A. Plan A is a life you would love to be living. But plan B always seems to be holding you back. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could live plan A without having to depend on plan B?

But the reality is most of us need a survival job to get by. This is our plan B. Our survival job is our B job. We are only using plan B until we can reach plan A.

For the most part, we look down upon plan B. We think we shouldn’t have to live plan B when plan A is our dream. Why do I have to do this?, you might ask yourself. It takes so…



Charlotte Allison, M.A.

Master of Arts degree in spiritual psychology. Writing is a tool for healing. When you heal your self, you help to heal the planet as well.