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Writers: Get to Know Yourself Better With Stream of Consciousness Writing
Not only will stream of consciousness writing move you into creativity, it will help you live an examined life full of meaning and purpose.
The unexamined life is not worth living. — Socrates
Why three pages of stream of consciousness writing every morning?
Because the unexamined life is deprived of meaning and purpose, as Socrates so famously stated. Socrates declared that our true self is our soul.
Shakespeare said it best: To thine own self be true.
Yet, how can you be true to yourself if you don’t even know who that self is?
That is what three pages of stream of consciousness writing every morning will answer for you. Also known as morning pages, stream of consciousness writing will guide you to your true self.
Most people go through life thinking they know themselves. When in fact they are just living the life they were given. A life that is based on society’s rules, rather than their own internal promptings.
Is it my own internal compass that points the way or is it society’s?